Batman: the Brave and the Bold Wiki



Batwoman, aka Katrina Moldoff is a wealthy heiress of the Moldoff Circus, world class athlete, and acrobat. She decided to use her skills to adopt the costumed identity of Batwoman after longing to be like Batman. She operated independent of Batman and had her own Batcave and Bat-Cycle. Moldoff built her home in the Gotham City suburbs over an old, abandoned mining tunnel that became her Batcave. She created a shoulder bag utility case with a perfume flask filled with tear gas, powder case, and a bola net. Her charm bracelets also doubled for steel handcuffs. Batman and Robin figured out her civilian identity but never shared theirs; Crime Fighter Ethics prevented Batman from revealing her secret identity. Batman didn't approve of her methods, stating her thrill-seeking recklessness was endangering innocent civilians.

The Criss Cross Conspiracy!

During the 35th Annual Wordy Awards, Batwoman mocked Riddler and was unmasked in front of the public; Moldoff was outlawed by the courts from wearing a costume ever again. She retreated to her home and became an embittered recluse. For 10 years, Moldoff waited for a chance at freedom and retribution. While watching Batman, Batgirl, and Nightwing fight the Spinner, she heard the Riddler escaped Blackgate Prison. That night, she visited the Magic Shop and convinced Felix Faust to give her a transmorgrification spell. Moldoff then lured Batman to her home and cast the spell, switching bodies with each other. Moldoff planned to kill the Riddler and let Batman take the blame for it. However, her plan ultimately failed. After helping defeat the Riddler and his henchmen, Batwoman was arrested. Batman assured her that after she served her sentence, there would be friends waiting for her.

Physical Appearance

Katrina is a fit woman with peach skin, blue eyes, yellow earrings, and shoulder-length raven black hair.

In her attire around her home, she wears a long fancy red dress and a peach neck brace.

As Batwoman, she wears a dark reddish-brown & yellow/gold costume with red gloves, red high heel shoes (both with pointy bat wing like edges), a red cape with a red & yellow cape clipping, a red & yellow belt with a red & yellow diamond in the middle, a red purse, and finally, a red pointed mask that resembles Huntress's.



  • She is based on Katrina "Luka" Netz except the surname is taken from the artist, Sheldon Moldoff.